Directory of Individual Members
Please browse through our Directory of Individual OWPG Members below. Click “More Filters” to filter the profile cards for each of our members by professional activity (eg photography), specialist activity (eg walking) or specialist region (eg Peak District). Filtering by “nickname” gives a quick shortcut if you know the name of the member whose profile you wish to view.
Please note that selecting two or more items from a single dropdown box (eg Professional Activities = Writer and also = Photographer) uses OR to return results of either option (eg anyone who is either a writer or a photographer), but selecting items from two or more individual drop-down boxes (eg Professional Activities = Writer AND Specialist Activities = Walking brings back only those who meet both conditions eg Writers who are also walkers). There is currently no means to change this logic to offer the choice of AND or OR at each stage.
The profiles are currently sorted by most recent login to the guild’s website, as this is the fairest option to all members (and particularly helps those whose surnames are in the latter realms of the alphabet not to be overlooked, like A-Z orderings do). But you can change this to last name, or new members first if you wish.