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While climbing remains at our core we’ve seen cycling books flourish in the last few years and who’d heard of kayak fishing 10 years ago?
We’re sourcing our books from all over the world. Using our contacts and experience we don’t have to rely on other book retailers to provide our stockholding, in fact we now hold more than 1,250,000 items in stock at any one time. In 2008 we outgrew our premises in Leicester and bit the bullet and relocated to Hinckley. We had been packing our orders onto pallets in the carpark! Now we work from a 14500 sq ft purpose-built warehouse.
Cordee now has a unique and world-renowned catalogue of books and maps that is used by the recreation and book trade throughout the UK and the world – our challenge is to support our publishers by keeping the market supplied with their unique books.
Our stock is constantly changing with new titles added every day. What you see on our website is the broadest selection available of books and maps for any outdoor active pursuits.