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Guide/Leader - Mountaineering or Walking, PR/Marketing, Proofreader, Public Speaker, Websites, WriterAccess/Rights of Way, Conservation/Environment, History/Archaeology, Walking, Wildlife

Greater Manchester, Merseyside, Northwest England, Midlands, North Wales, Yorkshire & Humber

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Apartment 9, 8 Loom Street
Greater Manchester
M4 6AN
North West (inc Lancs)
Guide/Leader - Mountaineering or Walking, PR/Marketing, Proofreader, Public Speaker, Websites, Writer
Access/Rights of Way, Conservation/Environment, History/Archaeology, Walking, Wildlife

Greater Manchester, Merseyside, Northwest England, Midlands, North Wales, Yorkshire & Humber

An innovative and creative writer, developer of walking routes, and consultant for charities, the public sector, tourism organisations and transport operators on leisure walking and cycling initiatives.

Recent projects include:

  • development and implementation of the GM Ringway, a new 200-mile walking trail for Greater Manchester;
  • consulting projects for a variety of clients, including West Midlands Combined Authority (research, mapping and planning of a projected West Midlands walking trail), Greater Manchester Moving (the GM walking website and app-based health walks) and Lancashire Wildlife Trust (the 'Carbon Trail');
  • guidebooks on public transport-accessible walks in Northwest England (in development).

My most recent project, the successfully implemented GM Ringway walking trail, has been featured on ITV local news, on the BBC website and in local press. I also joined presenter Clare Balding to walk part of the trail on Clare's 'Ramblings' programme on BBC Radio 4 in October 2024.